We were You were They were Exercise 2: 1. John was at home last week. 2. They were at the cinema yesterday. 3. Your parents were at the station at nine o´clock. 4. Mary was in the street this morning. 5. My aunt was in hospital yesterday morning. 6. I was at school this morning. 7. Jill and Kevin were at the zoo last Sunday. 8.
Ta tablica wyników jest obecnie prywatna. Kliknij przycisk Udostępnij, aby ją upublicznić. Ta tablica wyników została wyłączona przez właściciela zasobu. Ta tablica wyników została wyłączona, ponieważ Twoje opcje różnią się od opcji właściciela zasobu. PAST BE – THERE WAS / THERE WERE AFFIRMATIVE PAST BE – THERE WAS / THERE WERE AFFIRMATIVE 1. They were in London last year. 2. It was cold last week. 3. I was at the museum last Sunday. 4. We were at the theatre yesterday afternoon. 5. She was at the cinema yesterday evening. 6. You were with us last weekend. 7. I was at home. 8. It was rainy yesterday. 9. The concert was incredible! 10.You were funny today. Past to be There was / There were - Amazon Web Services ESO 1 Photocopiable ©B Burlington Books Past to be, There was / There were – Answers A 1 was 4 were 2 Was 5 was, was 3 were 6 Were B 1 Were there 4 There was 2 There was 5 Was there 3 There were 6 Was there C Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. Past Simple - zdania twierdzące - znamangielski.com Past Simple - zdania twierdzące. Wpisz brakującą część zdania, tak aby powstało takie samo zdanie w wersji twierdzącej. Np. We didn't live in London. We lived in London. Po uzupełnieniu wszystkich zdań naciśnij "Sprawdzam" w celu zobaczenia wyniku. 1. I didn't see her yesterday.
Was and Were, There was and There were Exercise Was and Were, There was and There were Exercise The cat was angry There were 3 birds in a tree A Fill the gaps with the correct forms of was, were, there was … www.my-english.edu.pl Teoria i ćwiczenia z gramatyki języka angielskiego, wypracowania, przysłowia, krzyżówki, quizy. Systematycznie dodawane są nowe ćwiczenia. NAME: DATE: GRAMMAR WORKSHEET BE VERB: Past Simple
Teoria i ćwiczenia z gramatyki języka angielskiego, wypracowania, przysłowia, krzyżówki, quizy. Systematycznie dodawane są nowe ćwiczenia. NAME: DATE: GRAMMAR WORKSHEET BE VERB: Past Simple NAME: _____ DATE: GRAMMAR WORKSHEET BE VERB: Past Simple I was busy. I wasn't busy. You were You weren't He was He wasn't She was She wasn’t It was It wasn’t We were We weren’t They were They weren’t Yes, No, Was ĆWICZENIA UTRWALAJ ĄCE ZAGADNIENIA GRAMATYCZNE … 1 Ćwiczenia utrwalaj Ące zagadnienia gramatyczne dla uczniÓw szkoŁy podstawowej opracowała: anna kargul
Engbook to portal umożliwiający naukę języka angielskiego na różnych poziomach. Oferujemy ćwiczenia gramatyczne i leksykalne oraz zbiory ćwiczeń maturalnych.
Was / were - WordPress.com Was / were Exercises Complete the sentences with was / were. 1. How many people _____ at your house last weekend? 2. The book wasn´t difficult It _____ easy. Past of Be Subject Be form Complem Was/ wereWas/ were Was/ wereWas/ were Negative statementsNegative statements Subject Be + not Complem I HE SHE Angry IT YOU WE THEY WAS NOT WASN’T YOU WERE NOT WEREN’T Tall Bored short Free sstress Affirmative statementsAffirmative statements Subject Be form Complem I Late HE SHE IT WE THEY WAS WERE Happy At school A student Early In here Was and Were, There was and There were Exercise Was and Were, There was and There were Exercise The cat was angry There were 3 birds in a tree A Fill the gaps with the correct forms of was, were, there was … www.my-english.edu.pl